1. Cats have healing abilities. In folk medicine, there is even a special felinotherapy – a method of prevention and treatment of various diseases with the help of contact with koshĸami.
2. It is believed that cat owners have a 30% reduction in the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.
3. If a cat is near you and her tail is trembling, this is the highest degree of love that she can express.
4. If cat brought you prey, such as a mouse, then she takes care of you and wants to feed you. Here it is important not to scold ĸoshĸu for the “gift”, but to praise.
5. Cats were inspected. Pope Innocent VIII considered them to be guides between witches and the forces of evil. Having exterminated ĸosheĸ in Europe, people got an invasion of ĸrys and an epidemic of plague.
6. Cats are the only animals allowed to enter the mosque.
7. A cat can jump to a height 5 times its height.
8. Cats see perfectly in low light conditions, but, contrary to common misconception, they cannot see in absolute darkness.
9. Whiskers are sense organs that perform a tactile function. In no case should cats remove their whiskers, so after that they will be phatically deprived of their “orientation and navigation system” in space.
10. Cats have 24 more bones than a human. This explains their natural plasticity. However, cats do not have collarbones, which allows them to fit into small holes that their head can fit through.
11. Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees because as many as 32 muscles control their outer ear. For comparison, a person has only 6 such muscles.
12. Pets become like their owners. Scientists have found that the nature and lifestyle of the owners affects not only the dog, but also the neck.
13. The imprint of the nose of each shoe is the same unique as the fingerprints of a person.
14. Cats do not have sweat glands all over their bodies, unlike humans. They only sweat through their paws.
15. The sense of smell in cats is about 14 times stronger than a human, which allows them to smell smells that a person is not even aware of.
16. Cats can detect odors with the help of the so-called Jacobson’s tube, located on the upper palate behind the front incisors. Surely you noticed behind your pets, when they, sniffing at something, opened their mouths.
17. Cats can change their meow at different requests, turning to a person.
18. A cat cannot climb down a tree upside down because of the claw device. In order to get down from the tree, she needs to retreat, walking backwards.
19. The longest-lived ĸoshĸoy is Krim Puff, who lived 38 years and 3 days (1967-2005). She was included in the Guinness Book of Records.
I am sure that after reading these stories, you will love your pets even more!