Best Quotes Arataka Reigen

Although Arataka Reigen claims to be a psychic and works in sales, he is actually a fake psychic.

Because he gave advice to the protagonist Mob, who was worried about his supernatural powers in the past, Mob loves him as his teacher.

His main tasks are consultations and exorcisms related to mental disorders and psychic phenomena, and he solves them with the help of his assistant Mob.
The content of the requests is different, but since he leads them all to a solution, he is gaining popularity as a rising star of psychics.

In this article, you will find the best Arataka Reigen quotes from the anime Mob Psycho 100.

Best Quotes Arataka Reigen

  1. You can’t accept money feeling that you haven’t earned it. Once you start, you will constantly choose the easy path.
  2. If you are gifted to the level of a god, you may not be like others, but you still remain mere mortals.
  3. Behind attraction is humanity.
  4. Salt Splash!
  5. Legitimate defensive dash!
  6. Anti-Psychic Dropkick!
  7. Bonds, memories and friendships… do these things fall and fall like an abandoned department?
  8. Social etiquette becomes important as you grow up.
  9. We were born with special abilities other than human beings, but we should never mistakenly think we are special.
  10. It’s good to be confident in your strength, but don’t buy into it! Our power can become a deadly weapon, depending on how you use it.
  11. Don’t kill yourself. Only you can save your life.
  12. If you use too much power, you will destroy yourself.
  13. If you want to grow up – live in reality!
  14. I don’t think it’s okay to be cunning just because someone ordered you to.
  15. I don’t know what you want to do, but it must be nice to have the upper hand while maintaining your manners!
  16. When you don’t like it! You can run away!
  17. Why should you match them? Mob is the main character of your life, isn’t it?
  18. Don’t put off the problem, Mob. If you don’t want to do it, you have to say no.
  19. Only people with common sense and experience can understand the atmosphere.
  20. What’s really amazing about it
  21. it’s that he knows how to communicate his emotions to people.
  22. It sounds better than any pathetic words.
  23. Don’t play games, show yourself as you are.