Good afternoon friends! We continue our journey through the world of strange, at first glance, things created by the human genius for various tasks, for everyday life, convenience and entertainment.
Every time these little things manage to surprise us, whether it’s just scissors or an old adding machine. Devices that are unusual to the eye make the imagination work, coming up with all sorts of uses for them.
1. Metal head
You might think that this is a lid opener, because these devices do not take any form. And it seems that the funny head here is also in a hurry to help, to open a bottle of lemonade. But this is not a keychain, but a children’s toy.
A piston is inserted into the mouth of an iron merry fellow, a stabilizer or a rope is threaded behind the ear, and you’re done – a fun clapperboard toy. It is worth throwing it up or hitting it on the asphalt for the piston to work.
2. “Torture” weapon of a terrible kind
Without a doubt, this device can be seen in a not very pleasant nightmare, adding color to the imagination. Nevertheless, everything is quite “gastronomic”. Such a device processes the fruits of the coconut palm – the pulp is mined from the inside of the nut. Just.
3. Strange thing with a clamp
You can’t even tell what it is at first glance. Only “something for something” comes to mind. Well, basically it is. This is a mannequin head holder. Mainly used in workshops for making wigs. Clamp for fastening to the table.
4. Spoon with holes and teeth
This is a kitchen appliance, its design says it exactly. But what are the holes for, what are the spikes for? This is a spoon for serving stubborn sliced cucumbers. Spikes and a flat bottom prevent slippery circles from falling out “along the way”. It looks like some people got pissed off at the time.
5. Cylinder with chain
Mysterious thing from the hotel. The chain inside the hollow cylinder is clearly a case for her. Previously, such devices were very popular and were found in the reticule of any fashionista. This accessory helps to fasten the zipper on the dress on the back. The dog is hooked and pulled by the chain.
6. A terrible weapon with spikes
In fact, this is not a nightmare buddy device from number 2. And not a hole punch, in the classical sense. That is, its purpose is not to make holes. But it is located on the next shelf with a coconut peeler – this is a cheese holder.
You can grab a comfortable grip and cut as you like. Such is the difference between goals and sinister appearance.
7. Strange design on the street
It is installed on the street in Berlin. It will pass for an incomprehensible art object, of which there are plenty everywhere. But you can see some patterns. Those who thought about the clock, made the right conclusion. A dial with an indication, starting from the top, there are rows – for 5 hours, for an hour, then for five minutes, and for one minute. Pretty inventive. The clock is 11 hours and 41 minutes.
8. Regular tongs
Everything here is uncomplicated, although it looks very exotic. We go to the kitchen, we are going to cook something interesting. We put half a lemon inside, squeeze the juice. profit. Simple and tasteful.
9. Machine tool
Yes, again an old fixture. But his task is extremely specific. This is an English or American invention. This is a “transformer” of old newspapers into dense kindling logs (dense newspaper roll). It is enough to put a newspaper in there, turn the handle and a dense block appears, which can be thrown into the fire, used as kindling or as an independent source of fire.